Friday, July 31, 2009

Ode to Coffee

I love coffee.  Hot or iced, cappuccino or latte, Guatemalan or Colombian... it's all good.  I'm pretty much useless without that first cup of coffee in the morning and sometimes I treat myself to a little late afternoon re-caffeination as needed.  Coffee is my friend.  In fact, I'm enjoying a freshly brewed cup as I write this.

In terms of the strength and flavor, I prefer Peet's over Starbucks. But after reading "How Starbucks Saved My Life: A Son of Privilege Learns to Live Like Everyone Else" by Michael 
Gates Gill, I may start frequenting Starbucks just for the experience. The book is the true story of an advertising executive who spent 25 years with the agency J. Walter Thompson,  only to get laid off at age 53.  After 10 years of a dwindling consultancy business and desperate for an income and health care benefits for his family, he takes a job at Starbucks. The story resonates with me for obvious reasons (think advertising layoff victim with love of coffee).  But I also love it because it's a story about making lemonade out of lemons, or in this case, frappuccinos out of ice.  

A side effect of reading this is that I now have a personal appreciation for the hard work all Starbucks baristas do.  There is a passage about Mike's first opening shift, which he aptly compares to running with the bulls in Pamplona.  The mad scurry to get the pastries neatly set out, the sandwiches stacked, the coffee brewed, the iced tea made, the cash register counted and a million other things accomplished all before the bulls start running in for their fix at 6:00 a.m. sharp. 

The other appreciation I've gained is for the unique company culture Starbucks has fostered.  It is a culture of equality, respect and personal well being.  Did you know if you worked part-time for Starbucks making coffee that you are entitled to comprehensive medical insurance including vision and dental?  I don't even think my health insurance covered vision!  Starbucks will also fund education for its staff... a benefit very few companies these days offer.

The baristas are not told to do their work, they are asked if they are able, if they would mind or whether can do a favor for someone else.  It is an egalitarian system where differences in job title or salary are not emphasized in favor of respecting and honoring the work that each individual contributes as part of a well-oiled team.  The goal is to encourage each "partner" to do their personal best in order to elevate the quality of the experience for everyone who walks through the door, partners and customers alike.

Ok, I'm getting a little preachy now, so I'll stop.  But the point I want to make is that it's incredibly refreshing given the current economic situation to know that there are companies who look out for their employees and value the contributions of those at the bottom of the company's hierarchy just as much as those at the top.  It is company who understands that when employees are happy, customers are happy.  Considering I've spent my entire adult career in a business where personal sacrifice is expected and the needs of the client always come before the personal needs of the agency staff, this idea is truly remarkable to me.  

Let's see... I will eventually need a job again.  I don't want to work the crazy hours I worked in my past life.  I want to be part of a team and respected as an individual.  I want great health care benefits.  And let's not forget my love of coffee... Who knows?  Your next grande caramel macchiato with an add shot could be made by yours truly.  Now, I just wonder if they'd meet my salary requirements ;)?

Since this book, and therefore this post, would not exist without that magical beverage that has captivated people for centuries, I would like to leave you with a poem.

Ode to Coffee

Oh coffee, you are so good to me
My eyes don't want to open, but you help me to see
The day begins with that very first sip
There's nothing better than the sweet taste on my lips

Mug in my hand
And a smile so grand
Ready to face the day
With you, is the only way

You give me a perk
So I'm not a grumpy jerk
You are delicious and hot
Especially straight from the pot

Without you I'd be tired
A day begun, already expired
So it is here I wish to thank you
For the wonderful things you do

Hip hip hooray for coffee, espresso and milk
Hot, steaming and delicious, every sip smooth as silk
You greet me each day in your own special way
Without you I'd be lost, blue skies would turn grey

Oh coffee, how I love thee
A great pair: you and me
I will never cheat on you with tea
Even though you constantly make me pee!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well well well...and here I thought you and me had so much in common. We both have a shopping addiction, we both speak cat, we enjoy travel...BUT had to go and spoil it by revealing your caffeine addiction.

    I just don't know what to say. Even Tula is shaking her head in disappointment...and we don't agree on anything unless we have to.

    I'll pray your next post redeems you from this. In the mean time I shall drink my green tea and mock you as you continue to uncontrollably pee! Booya!

  3. If ONLY my local Starbucks were still hiring, which they're not for the same reason that not too many companies are. But I'll be right behind you for that barista job as soon as one opens up, assuming I can find 6 or so other people to share my house & mortgage.

    BTW, my local Starbucks' manager, Jason, told me that sales this month were down 50% vs. last year, of which he attributed 40% decline to me not coming in these days.
